[Kotahi] Kotahi | v1.1.1

Ryan Dix-Peek ryan.dixpeek at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 02:42:39 PDT 2022

Hi everyone,

We're formally documenting and tagging versions using Gitlab's 'Releases'
feature. Release notes will highlight feature enhancements and mention any
major bug fixes.

Here's a link to v1.1.1 Release notes

Planning is underway with the Amnet team to incorporate
multi-tenant support in Kotahi. The goal is that we'll be able to support
multiple separate journals on a single instance of Kotahi within the year.

We have also started a discussion with eLife and Biophysics CoLab team
regarding the integration of a Task Manager within the Control panel. A
'to-do list' or 'scheduler' will allow the editorial team to create tasks
in support of their desired workflow, assign stakeholders, set dues dates
etc. Integration with the Notifications subsystem would be another useful
enhancement to this feature.

Our next release will include work on a new form field type, the 'Threaded
Discussion'. System administrators will be able to select and add a
'Threaded Discussion' form field to a Decision form. This will allow an
editor to share a summary/review report and allow for a formal author
response to be captured in relation to a manuscript/preprint version in

Furthermore, as an editor, you'll be able to select a review report, author
response and/or editor feedback and publish/share these individual
components and associated metadata with an endpoint, such as a static

Have a great week further.


Ryan Dix-Peek
Project Manager
Coko Foundation <https://coko.foundation/>
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